senator lamar alexander

America Forward: ESEA Congressional Consideration Preview

The following post is by Lexi Barrett, America Forward’s Policy Director. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is the most far-reaching federal law affecting education across the country. ESEA was initially enacted in 1965 as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” Upon signing the bill into law, President Johnson remarked that the law represented “a major new

America Forward Builds Momentum for Education, Pay for Success

It has been a busy couple of weeks for New Profit's policy arm, America Forward, which advocates for innovative public policy that leads to better outcomes and more efficient use of resources. Above photo: Youth workers from Roca, a New Profit grantee dedicated to reducing recidivism, speak with a young program participant. Last week, America Forward was deeply engaged as the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor

America Forward Hard at Work on ESEA

New Profit's policy arm, America Forward, has been a leader in advocating for more innovative public policy that leads to better outcomes and more efficient use of public resources. Case in point: last year's Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), one of the very few pieces of legislation passed in overwhelming bipartisan fashion by Congress and signed by the President in