america forward

Evidence in Action: Public-Private Partnerships Demonstrate the Power of an Integrated Curriculum

Thanks to the persistence of social entrepreneurs across the country, every day we see strategies that are working and delivering results in a rapidly changing world. This Evidence in Action blog series highlights the voices of the more than 70 social innovation organizations that make up the America Forward Coalition, the results-driven solutions our community has to our country’s most pressing social

Evidence in Action: Preparing Effective Teachers, Building Strong Communities

Thanks to the persistence of social entrepreneurs across the country, every day we see strategies that are working and delivering results in a rapidly changing world. This Evidence in Action blog series will highlight the voices of the more than 70 social innovation organizations that make up the America Forward Coalition, the results-driven solutions our community has to our country’s most pressing

State of Play: Pay for Success & Evidence-Based Policy, September 2017

Coming off August recess and summer vacations, Pay for Success and evidence-based policy and practice efforts at the federal and state level have not let up. This year continues to be an incredibly active year for Pay for Success and evidence-based policy and practice. At the federal level, new policies are being introduced and implemented and we are seeing new

Early Wins and Challenges in Implementing WIOA Pay-for-Performance to Improve Outcomes for Opportunity Youth

The following is a piece co-authored by Nicole Truhe, Government Affairs Director at America Forward and Celeste Richie, Director at Third Sector Capital Partners. Early Wins and Challenges in Implementing WIOA Pay-for-Performance to Improve Outcomes for Opportunity Youth chronicles the successes and challenges from Third Sector Capital Partner's second Social Innovation Fund cohort's work studying the implementation of the Workforce Innovation

Lessons for Providers Interested in Pay for Success

The following blog post was written by America Forward Government Affairs Director Nicole Truhe and Third Sector Capital Partners Senior Associate Joshua Reed-Diawuoh. With the launch of the Social Innovation Fund’s Pay for Success (SIF PFS) program, new funding was available to resource both feasibility assessment and project construction support activities (for more information on PFS feasibility, construction, and launch

Evidence in Action: Investing in Accessibility

Thanks to the persistence of social entrepreneurs across the country, every day we see strategies that are working and delivering results in a rapidly changing world. This Evidence in Action blog series will highlight the voices of the more than 70 social innovation organizations that make up the America Forward Coalition, the results-driven solutions our community has to our country’s most pressing

America Forward Applauds The Release Of The Commission On Evidence-Based Policymaking’s Final Report

Members of the America Forward Coalition issued the following statement on the release of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking’s final report on Thursday, September 7, 2017: “Members of the America Forward Coalition applaud the release of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking’s final report and recommendations, “The Promise of Evidence-Based Policymaking.” This bipartisan, cross-sector Commission was created through an equally bipartisan legislative

Social Innovation Fund Pay for Success Support: Impact Beyond Launch

The following blog post was written by America Forward Government Affairs Director Nicole Truhe. Since its authorization as a federal program, the Social Innovation Fund (SIF) has focused on finding and growing the most promising solutions to our nation’s most pressing social challenges. The original model of the SIF, known as SIF Classic, is focused on directing federal resources (matched 1:1

Evidence in Action: Climbing the Ladder of Evidence to Create Results for All Students

Every day we see strategies that are working and delivering results in a rapidly changing world. This Evidence in Action blog series highlights the voices of social innovation organizations to highlight effective interventions in communities across the country and evidence-based policy and practice leaders to elevate both the results-driven solutions being advanced to help solve our most pressing social problems and to

Using Pay For Success to Improve Youth Outcomes: A Review of Third Sector Capital Partner’s First Cohort of SIF Sub-Recipients

The following guest blog post was written by Coalition Organization Third Sector Capital Partners. Less than 10 years ago, the phrase Pay for Success was virtually unknown in most circles—particularly government circles. Though a seemingly simple concept, an approach to contracting for services where payments from governments (or other end-payers interested in supporting the achievement of measurable outcomes related to