America Forward

The Federal Budget and appropriations process: America Forward Funding Priorities

The following post was written by, Jessica Crawford, Director of Strategic Partnerships at America Forward, and Nicole Truhe, Director of Government Affairs at America Forward. In our first blog post in this series, we shared a brief overview and current status of the federal budget and appropriations process. In today’s post, we will discuss how America Forward’s funding priorities fit

America Forward: Federal budget and appropriations primer

The process for funding federal programs is complex. This five part blog series will provide a brief history and overview of the federal budget and appropriations process and will explain how America Forward’s education, workforce development, and Pay for Success and evidence-based policy priorities fit into this process. The following post was written by Jessica Crawford, Director of Strategic Partnerships

America Forward Applauds Congressional Passage of the Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act

“Members of the America Forward Coalition applaud Congress for approving the Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act of 2016. Introduced by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Paul Ryan (R-WI), the bill would create a commission to develop practices and processes for ensuring the use of evidence and outcomes in the development of policies and in

#NPGathering16: The America Forward Story

We're counting down to the 2016 Gathering of Leaders in California on March 23-24! Follow us here and on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook for live updates. One of our mantras at the Gathering of Leaders is: Collaboration is nothing without action. By bringing together leading social entrepreneurs and their counterparts from other sectors, our aim is to foster dialogue and

Top 10 Highlights from Roca’s Criminal Justice Report

New Profit’s grantee-partner Roca Inc. is at the forefront of efforts to reform America’s criminal justice system, which could reverberate powerfully across nearly every other social challenge we face as a nation. Roca is combatting prison recidivism by helping high-risk young people build skills and rebuild their lives, and setting an example for service providers across the country. Recently, Roca’s


Using “Pay For Success” to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Affordable Housing

The following blog post was written by John Griffith, Senior Analyst and Project Manager at Enterprise Community Partners, an organization that helps finance, build and advocate for affordable housing in communities across the U.S. Pay for Success initiatives condition government payments for service providers on the outcomes they achieve. This innovative funding strategy targets taxpayer dollars to programs based on

Building Blocks for Learning

The following post was written by Pamela Cantor, M.D. and K. Brooke Stafford-Brizard, Ph.D. Adversity does not just happen to children, it happens inside them, through the biological mechanism of stress. It impacts health, behavior, and how they learn. For those familiar with toxic stress, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a study published in Pediatrics earlier this month

How to Build a Stronger Talent Pipeline

The following blog post was written by Elyse Rosenblum, Principal, Grads of Life Earlier this month, President Obama announced that the White House and the U.S. Department of Labor and Department of Education would nearly double last year’s budget request to support young Americans who are out of school and out of work. By proposing $5.5 billion for summer jobs,

To Save Politics, We Must Get More Political

The following blog post was written by Scott Warren, Executive Director of Generation Citizen. It’s hard not to be disillusioned by our country’s political system right now. Our elected officials in Washington spend more time sniping at each other than passing bills, and the presidential campaign stories revolve around twitter spats and finger pointing. While Americans in communities across the